How to Pass the Ohio Maneuverability Test

To get your Ohio driver’s license, you’ll need to prove that you can safely operate a vehicle. And that means passing two practical tests: The Ohio road test and the Ohio maneuverability test.

The road test is your standard driving test. You’ll take the vehicle out on the road to show how well you can follow traffic laws, stick to the speed limit, and safely share the road with other drivers.  

The maneuverability test is specifically to confirm you can control the vehicle well by asking you to complete a simple forward and reverse maneuver through markers (usually traffic cones) placed on a course.

This article is going to focus on the maneuverability test, giving you all the info you need to pass this portion of the Ohio driving test with flying colors! 

Preparing for Your Ohio Maneuverability Test 

You can schedule your maneuverability test with your local BMV branch. Most drivers schedule their maneuverability test for the same day as their road test. 

Here’s what you’ll need to do to prepare for test day:

  • Complete your Ohio driver’s ed course and bring your completion certificate with you to the test.

  • If you’re under 18, bring your temporary license to the examiner on test day.

  • Make sure your vehicle is gassed up and in good working condition. Confirm that all the lights are working, the fluids are at safe levels, the tires are properly inflated, and the license plate is current. The examiner may inspect the vehicle before beginning the test to make sure it’s safe to drive.  

How the Ohio Maneuverability Test Works 

The maneuverability test requires you to complete two steps:

  1. Move the vehicle from its starting point into a 9’ by 20’ parking box, either to your right or left (your examiner will tell you which direction), and park the vehicle there. 

  2. Reverse out of the parking box and back to the starting point, where you will park the vehicle again. 

This small course is outlined by markers or cones, so you can see exactly where you should position the vehicle. The point is to complete the maneuvers smoothly while staying within the marked course and avoiding hitting any markers/cones. 

Here’s what the course looks like:

The test isn’t over until you’re safely out of the vehicle. Follow proper vehicle securing procedures to make sure the car is in park and exit the vehicle. 

How the Ohio Maneuverability Test Is Scored

The Ohio maneuverability test works on a points system. You can lose up to 24 points and still pass. Here is a list of driving behaviors that will cost you points. Avoid the following: 

  • Stopping to check progress. The examiner wants to see smooth, hesitation-free driving. You'll lose five points every time you stop the vehicle to gauge your position.

  • Bumping cones/markers. You’ll lose five points any time you bump a cone or marker.

  • Misjudging stopping distance. Stopping short of the course markers will cost you five points.

  • Parking crooked. You’re expected to maneuver so that the vehicle sits straight in the parking boxes when you come to a stop. Parking crooked will cost you 10 points. 

  • Knocking down/running over a cone. This one action will cost you 25 points, putting an automatic end to your test.

What Happens if You Fail the Maneuverability Test?

If your first attempt at passing Ohio’s maneuverability test isn’t successful, don’t panic. You’ll get another chance. And, more good news: if you pass your road test, you don’t have to retake that one when you retake your maneuverability test. 

If you’re under 18, you just need to wait seven days, then retake the maneuverability test. Take advantage of that week to get more practice in! If you’re over 18, you’ll need to complete a 4-hour adult driving class before you can schedule your retake. 

How to Pass the Ohio Maneuverability Test

Here are a few quick tips to help you pass your Ohio maneuverability test on the first try:

  • Practice, practice, practice. The more you do these maneuvers, the more comfortable and confident you’ll be on test day. Since you know the cone formation, you can recreate the setup in an empty parking lot and practice until you can complete the maneuvers in your sleep! Practice in the same vehicle you plan to use for the test.

  • Opt for a smaller vehicle if possible. If you have the choice between two or more vehicles for the test, choose the smaller option. It’s naturally easier to fit a compact car between the cones than it would be to fit a truck. 

  • Take advantage of backup cameras. You are allowed to use a backup camera, which makes it much easier to see your position as you reverse.

  • Take a deep breath. Nerves can make you jumpy. So take a second to calm any nerves with a deep breath before you begin. You got this! 

Be Ready for Your OH Maneuverability Test with

If you haven’t already enrolled in your Ohio driver’s ed class, consider our convenient online driver’s ed course! Our online program will get you on the fast track to your OH driver’s license! 

Get Started with your Ohio Online Drivers Ed Course Today

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Updated 3/28/24