Supervised Driving Practice: Don’t Just Be a Passenger, Be an Educator
Parents, know that there is much more to supervised driving practice than €œcollecting€ hours€”it€™s how you train your teen during those hours that counts.
If you choose to take a traffic school or defensive driving course voluntarily you may be eligible for a safe driver discount from your insurance provider. Refresh your driving skills and lower your car insurance rates with our convenient and affordable course options.
As a partner brand of, I Drive Safely offers top-rated service and online driver safety education that you can count on.
Parents, know that there is much more to supervised driving practice than €œcollecting€ hours€”it€™s how you train your teen during those hours that counts.
Did you know distracted driving was the reason behind more than 3,400 fatal collisions in 2015? Distraction is deadly, and eDriving is working to reverse the dangerous trend. eDriving has now released its popular July webinar, €œThe 7 Stages of Distraction Denial,€ online for all drivers to learn from and review. For the webinar eDriving [€¦]
Read More... Contributing Writer Alexis David has kept an ongoing diary for us as she takes our California online drivers ed course. Here€™s her fifth entry. Being a passenger was a routine thing that I took for granted. As a passenger, I could sleep in the car, eat, listen to music without being distracted and admire [€¦]
Instead of traveling with a certain place in mind, think of the family road trip as a chance to visit hundreds of sites. Here are five recommendations.
Here are six tactics that can reduce your stress levels as you exit large festival parking areas.