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Did you know the Texas DPS was keeping track of your driving from the moment you got a learners permit? Each parking ticket you receive, every speeding ticket you get and your time in defensive driving school is all on your driving record.
Your driving record is actually a public record that can be ordered. Some type of driving records can be ordered by anyone. And there also types that are used for official state legal matters that only you can request.
If you’re a licensed Texas driver this is what you need to know about driving records.
Why would a person need a copy of their TX driving record? Turns out there are a few reasons why you might need one.
The court has to verify that you’re eligible to take defensive driving school by checking your driving record. They’ll look to see how many traffic violations have already been dismissed and how many times in the last year you’ve taken a Texas defensive driving course.
After you take a defensive driving course the point for the violation should be removed from your record. Wait a few weeks after completing the course then order a copy of your driving record to make sure the point was removed.
Ordering a driving record could be a money-saver if you’re a good driver. The record can be used to prove how good a driver you really are and determine your rate.
Driving records are also sometimes used in court proceedings. Your past driving record can be used to determine a sentence, prove your safe driving skills or prove you aren’t the safest driver.
Any time you order a driving record give it a once over to make sure the information is accurate and up-to-date. If it’s not you’ll need to reach out to the DPS to get it corrected.
If you ever find yourself needing a copy of your driving record, you may order it online through the Texas Department of Public Safety website. The system operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
To order a driving record online you’ll need:
You’ll also need to have Adobe Reader and the latest version of one of the following browsers:
You can also request your driving record by mail. You can also read more on obtaining a Commercial Drivers License or if needing to Renew a Texas drivers license.
You can request the following types of driving records (fees and requirements for each type of record are listed):
STATUS RECORD (TYPE 1) | Date of birth (DOB), license status, license application date and address | $4.00 fee |
3-YEAR HISTORY RECORD (TYPE 2) | Type 1 record info, list of accidents and moving violations on record within past three-year period | $6.00 fee |
LIST OF ALL ACCIDENTS AND VIOLATIONS RECORD (TYPE 3) | Type 1 info, list of all accidents, moving violations and non-moving violations on record | $7.00 fee |
CERTIFIED 3-YEAR HISTORY RECORD (TYPE 2A) | Certified version of Type 2. This record is not acceptable for Defensive Driving Course (DDC) | $10.00 fee |
CERTIFIED LIST OF ALL ACCIDENTS AND VIOLATIONS RECORD (TYPE 3A) | Certified version of Type 3. This record is acceptable for Defensive Driving Course (DDC) | $10.00 fee |
CERTIFIED ABSTRACTS OF DRIVING RECORD ("AOR") | Certified abstract of complete driving record with Type 3 info and all license suspensions | $20.00 fee |
You can submit your payment online using one of the credit cards accepted by the DPS. The required driving record will be mailed out to the address provided on the application within five days after the submission of the request. Delivery via U.S. Mail takes approximately three business days.
Note: This article was accurate when it was published. Please confirm all details directly with the TX DPS. You can visit the TX DPS website or call 1-512-424-2600 for the drivers license customer service department.
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