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You need good driving knowledge, skills, and attitudes to drive on freeways safely. These types of roads are designed to carry large volume of traffic at high speeds. You have to be careful when entering the freeway. You should search ahead for traffic on the ramp as well as for a gap in traffic on the freeway.
Using the acceleration lane, look for an opening in traffic, signal and accelerate to or near the traffic speed, yield to traffic already on freeway. The key to driving on the freeway is to have a larger space between your vehicle and other traffic. If you're going to change lanes check the zones around your car—the front, back, and the lane you wish to enter. When you exit a highway, avoid slowing down on the freeway itself. Wait until you are in the deceleration lane and slow until your speed matches the posted exit ramp speed.
If you see a hazard ahead of you or in case of an emergency, communicate with a driver behind you by turning your hazard lights on. There can be different emergencies on the highway, so learn how to handle them and not panic when you encounter one or another unexpected situation.
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