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Need extra help studying for the Permit Test? Take our Knowledge Test Prep Course and pass the exam on your first try!
Florida Driver & Vehicle Services-Authorized is a Florida Driver & Vehicle Services-authorized third party administrator. Our online Florida drivers ed courses, TLSAE course and online permit test meet all the requirements for getting a Florida learners permit.
Automatic Reporting to Florida Driver & Vehicle Services Upon Course Completion
When you take the permit test online with, you don’t have to schedule an appointment with your local driver & vehicle services. You don’t have to worry about contacting them at all. We’ll send your results to Florida-authorized Driver & Vehicle Services immediately after you complete the permit test.
Convenient Online Courses on Any Device brings driving courses to you no matter where you are. They can be completed on smartphones, tablets, laptops, or computers.
Save Money With Drivers Ed Combo Packages
Packages from offer great discounts for multiple services. When you package Florida drivers ed together with the online permit test you’ll save $10 - that’s like saving three gallons of fuel!
Florida requires that all individuals who are getting a permit take a state-authorized Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education (TLSAE) course. The 4-hour TLSAE course from covers:
It’s all the information you need to fulfill the TLSAE requirement. Engaging, interactive features make the course interesting—plus, you can complete it anytime, anywhere, on any device!
With, you don’t have to schedule a trip to your local Driver & Vehicle Services office to take the permit test. Because we’re a state-authorized administrator, after signing up for our Florida teen drivers ed course, you can take the permit test online!
To get your Florida learners license by taking the permit test online, you must follow these five steps:
Step 1:
Complete your Florida drivers ed course and TLSAE course. Once you've completed these, you’ll receive a waiver to take the permit test online.
Step 2:
Fill out the Parent Proctoring Form and get it notarized by a driver's license examiner. This extra step is required only if you take the permit test online.
Step 3:
Log into your account and take the permit test. It is a proctored test, meaning a parent needs to be present when you take the exam.
Step 4:
We automatically send your test results to Florida Driver & Vehicle Services and drivers license offices.
Step 5:
Once you pass, bring your proof of social security number, residential address, and ID to the nearest drivers license office to pick up your new learners permit!
When you enroll with, rest assured you are training with the very best.
Driver training guides, teaching videos, cheat sheets, and more
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