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Traffic control signals are devices placed along, beside, or above a roadway to guide, warn, and regulate the flow of traffic, which includes motor vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, pedestrians, and other road users.
RED—A red signal light means STOP.
A right turn can be made against a red light ONLY after you stop and yield to pedestrians and vehicles in your path. DO NOT turn if there is a sign posted for NO TURN ON RED.
FLASHING RED—A flashing red signal light means exactly the same as a stop sign: STOP! After stopping, proceed when safe and observe the right-of-way rules.
RED ARROW—A red arrow means STOP until the green signal or green arrow appears. A turn may not be made against a red arrow.
YELLOW—A yellow signal light warns you that the red signal is about to appear. When you see the yellow light, you should stop, if you can do so safely. If you can't stop, look out for vehicles that may enter the intersection when the light changes.
FLASHING YELLOW— What does a flashing yellow light mean? A flashing yellow signal light warns you to be careful. Slow down and be especially alert.
YELLOW ARROW—A lighted red arrow is about to appear. Stop if you are not already in the intersection.
GREEN—A green light means GO, but you must first let any vehicles, bicycles, or pedestrians remaining in the intersection get through before you move ahead.
You can turn left ONLY if you have enough space to complete the turn before any oncoming vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian becomes a hazard. Vehicles turning left must always yield to those going straight from the opposite direction.
Do not enter an intersection, even when the light is green, unless there is enough space to cross completely before the light turns red. If heavy traffic causes you to block traffic, you can be cited.
GREEN ARROW—A green arrow means GO, but first you must yield to any vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian still in the intersection. The green arrow pointing right or left allows you to make a protected turn; oncoming vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians are stopped by a red light as long as the green arrow is lit.
TRAFFIC SIGNAL BLACKOUT—If all traffic signal lights are not working because of an electrical power failure, you must stop at the intersection and then proceed when you know other turning and approaching vehicles, bicycles, or pedestrians have stopped. A blacked-out traffic signal works the same as a four-way stop intersection.
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