Online Driver's Ed: Is It the Right Choice for You?

Now that everyone's iPhone has become attached to their hand, things that previously required a teacher and a classroom are now being done by an internet browser or app. Even driver's ed has crossed the line into digital instruction, and more teens and young adults than ever are choosing this route to secure their licenses.

There’s a lot of debate about which method of driver's ed is best: online or in-person? We’ve laid out a few pros and cons of online driver's ed to help you make the decision about what choice you should make. 

Pros and Cons

Despite the convenience and popularity of online courses, studies show that in-person classes help students retain more information. That being said, however, the ability to learn at your own pace with online driver's ed is an invaluable tool for students who are busy with part-time jobs or classes. Here are some pros and cons to online coursework. 


Online Driver's Ed

  • Convenience: You can take online driver's ed courses anywhere and at any time. This helps driver's complete classes faster (or slower) and helps instructors clear classrooms for drivers who need a more guided experience.

  • Cost: Due to the lack of a formal instructor, online courses may be more affordable. 

  • Growing Audience: There are a number of states that currently allow online driver's ed including California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Texas and more. Check here to see if your state allows it.

In-Person Driver's Ed

  • Learning Together: In-person classes give you direct access to the teachers and your fellow students in case you have questions or concerns about any content presented. 


Online Driver's Ed

  • Different Regulations: Online programs for driver's education are highly regulated like in-person classrooms. That being said, there’s a lot of information that needs to be packed into a course and can often be difficult to understand if not presented in an enlightening way.

  • Longer Courses: Though convenient, online driver's education courses can take longer than in-person classes, depending on the student. Some courses even restrict the daily amount of time a student can spend on coursework each day.

  • Many Options: Because there are a lot of online driving schools popping up, it may be hard to pick the best one for you or your teenager. Be sure to check their references and ensure that the company won't scam you. The Better Business Bureau is a great resource to vet online driving schools.

In-Person Driver's Ed

  • Timing: We all have busy schedules. There are many reasons why having to sit in a classroom for a few hours a week is difficult. 

  • Cost: Taking driver's ed in the classroom can often be more expensive than online, due to the cost of the instructors time.

Our Recommendation

Online driver's education courses can be a great resource, but you need to be smart in choosing one that works for you. That's why aims to provide you with the best information and support as possible. Consult our Florida driver's page for recommendations of trusted online driving schools that will help you get your license safely, conveniently, and quickly. 

One example of a state-approved course is our online driver's ed (Florida) class. This course includes the Florida TLSAE training requirements and will allow you to fulfill the online learning requirements for graduation. You can even save a trip to the DMV (which we all know can take a long time) by taking your DHSMV test online, moving from the course straight to your in-car test.