DDS–Licensed (#LDT397)
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Over 3 Million Drivers Trained
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We also offer Georgia Adult Drivers Ed & Practice Permit Tests!
Our online Georgia drivers ed course is the most convenient and effective way to learn the rules of the road and earn your drivers license.
We've been teaching drivers ed for over 20 years, and we're experts on traffic safety. Our state-approved course teaches important information on avoiding collisions that can cost money and lives.
Find out why we're the only Georgia driving school for teens in the country that is accredited by the Road Safety Educators' Association and Driving School Association of the Americas.
In Georgia, Joshua's Law requires teens under 18 to complete 30 hours of classroom drivers education. Our DDS-approved online drivers ed Georgia course (LIC. #LDT397) lets you meet that requirement all online.
Our online drivers ed for teens can help you:
When you enroll with, rest assured you are training with the very best.
Driver training guides, teaching videos, cheat sheets, and more
If you're not satisfied, we're not satisfied
Available 7 days a week
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